Reach new voters
Engage citizens
Align our party
Lead the nation
We Build
As your next RPT Vice Chair I pledge to build strong relationships with Precinct Chairs, County Executive Committees, and SRECs by educating and empowering them to act on behalf of the citizens they represent. Together we will close primaries and drive Republican voter turnout. Many people are realizing that their values are aligned with those of the Republican Party, but they don’t know how or why they should build beneficial relationships with their CEC and elected representatives. Voters in Texas have decisively made known the conservative causes they want to see made law. I will work tirelessly to aggressively promote and pass our Legislative Priorities. The time for excuses is over. The veil has been lifted and the lies exposed. As a party we must continue to push for real progress on all priorities, not just those deemed “safe” or “election winners” by public servants.
The Bridge
I see myself as a bridge from the old GOP to the new generation of conservatives. As a person born in 1981, I have the advantage of being in the generation that has experienced the world in both the analog and the digital age. Both systems have their advantages, and we must be willing and able to utilize new technology while still having reliable backups in place. My husband and I are third generation small business owners in the commercial fishing industry. We have seen firsthand how well-meaning experts can have unintended consequences that can be devastating to the working men and women of this state. I do not have an impressive pedigree, but what I lack in official titles I more than make up for with grit and grace. We need real people with a commonsense approach that appeals to everyday people.
Grassroots Texans deserve a grassroots Vice Chair! As a tried-and-true activist and former candidate for office, I’ve seen what it takes to Defend Texas and Save America! Dark money doesn’t care who it destroys or the American dreams that are squandered in its wake. Leftist mega donors are pumping millions upon millions of dollars into our state with the hopes of subduing the bulwark of freedom that is Texas. We cannot allow the wholesale liquidation of our children’s futures and freedoms to occur on our watch! As a fifth generation Texan raised in the Hill Country and calling Southeast Texas home for 18 years, my roots run deep. I have seen that our state doesn’t need “A” hero, Texas needs each of her citizens to embrace their unique Texian spirit to stand and say, “Victory or Death.” Each of us must resolve within ourselves to never surrender or retreat. Quite simply, Texas. Forever.
About Rachal
Rachal Hisler is no stranger to overcoming adversity with hard work and determination. A Chambers native, she was born in Anahuac in 1981 to an unwed teenage mother and was later adopted at the age of 2. She grew up in Burnet and went on to graduate early from Gulf Coast High School in 1999, receiving their Presidential Excellence Award. Rachal then married her husband George Hisler II that same year, after meeting at a church youth group in 1998. She and George have one 16-year-old son, George Hisler III. Together, they have attended Community Christian Fellowship since 2010. Rachal and her family are founding members of the Church and helped build both the literal building and congregation from the ground up.
Community & Family Focused
Rachal is passionate about caring for children and ensuring that they all have the necessary tools to build a successful future. She has served as a teacher in her Church’s Children's Ministry program since 2010 and has been the VBS Director since 2016. Rachal began leading a women’s recovery group that same year. Rachal and George have been certified foster parents through Arrow Child and Family Ministries, and have also cared for children privately, outside of foster care.
Small Business and Budgetary Experience
Rachal joined her husband’s family business in 2008, making them the third generation to own and operate a successful seafood business in the Hisler family. As the Vice President of George W. Hisler II, Inc. and officer in charge of bookkeeping and payroll, she monitors the budget and prepares all state and federal forms required to operate an offshore fishing business. Rachal assists with the legal research necessary each year to maintain compliance with government regulations in the industry. She has years of experience dealing with the complicated and ever changing laws and quota variances of offshore fishing.
Before joining the family business, Rachal worked in the IT Department at Anahuac National Bank, bookkeeping department, as a teller, and in the online banking department from 2006-2008.
When she is not serving others in her church and community, Rachal dedicates her time to educating others on conservative principles. For over three years she has attended the Commissioners Court meetings to immerse herself in the business of her county and the current issues before us. She has stayed up-to-date and learned how the processes work in the county, including budget, economic development, new industry, and tax abatements.
Rachal has served as an election judge since 2014 and was elected Precinct Chair in 2020. Additionally, Rachal is the Legislative Chair for Chambers County Republican Women since 2021. She also serves as Finance Director for the Chambers County Veterans Association and as a board member of the Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Shareholders Alliance.